Season 1, Episode 19 – ‘Shapes’.

“The air was more still, the night animals more quiet. It was like nature herself was terrified.” – Lyle Parker.

SHAPES [Standalone] Aired April 1, 1994

Episode: 1×18 / 19 Overall

Director: David Nutter • Writer: Marilyn Osborn

A creature, possibly from Native American lore, is suspected of killing a man, bringing Mulder and Scully to the Indian reservation where the attack occurred in order to uncover its identity.

During the first season the executives at Fox suggested that the series feature a more conventional monster in a standalone episode. The producers chose to go with the classic werewolf folk-tale told from a Native American perspective. The ancient folk tale of a manitou is a Native American variation on the werewolf myth. The differences stem from the fact that in this legend the host is possessed by an evil spirit and turns into a wolf-like creature every night until it is killed, silver bullets not necessary. The curse can be passed on through the family bloodline, which is another distinction from the more current, Western version. The plot is simple and fairly predictable in that we’ve seen this narrative told countless times before. The banality of the story aside, this episode is highly effective at creating tension and horror thanks to the competent direction by David Nutter, who so far has directed some of the first seasons finest instalments. The supporting cast all deliver likeable performances and the Native American theme that runs through the episode, highlighted by composer Mark Snow’s score, provides an original setting that helps the show stand out, despite the script’s shortcomings.

It’s a very simple plot, possibly the most straight forward plot line of the season so far. With no real mystery as to who the killer is, it’s immediately obvious from the opening sequence what the fate of Lyle will be, it’s strength is certainly not in the narrative. However, thanks to Nutter’s direction, the supporting cast, and the gloomy atmosphere provided by the landscape of British Columbia, the episode presents well in terms of visuals and character. The X-Files often presented scenes of overcast weather, no doubt a positive side effect of the Vancouver climate, and this episode is a perfect example of the show’s visual tone. With respect to cinematography, Shapes may be one of the finest entries to date. The expert use of light and shadow to create tension and a general creepy atmosphere is skilfully employed by the director of photography John S, Bartley. Bartley shot almost every episode during the first three seasons of the show, 64 in total, and his skill is particularly evident here. When considering that the plot is so basic and predictable, it’s a credit to the artistic design that it’s still just as captivating as many other episodes, from a visual perspective. The werewolf’s visual effects have certainly dated but Nutter has the good sense to keep most of the action in the shadows and employ suggestion over in your face gore which has avoided the episode becoming too dated in this department. Some fans criticise this entry for it’s lack of blood and carnage though I personally feel that we’ve seen all that before and Osborn’s script offered a slightly different look at the familiar. Focusing more on the belief system of the Native Americans and exploring their culture, rather than delivering a mindless gore-fest.

The supporting cast are all convincing in their respective roles. Particularly Sheriff Charles Tskany (Michael Horse) and the supporting Native American cast. It can be tricky presenting what is essentially a fairly hokey premise and have actors turn in believably sincere performances, though the cast do accomplish this. This isn’t the only time the series will enlist the talents of Native American actors. Representations of their people and culture will be seen again several times, playing a key role in the series mythology. Also, Battlestar Galactica fans may recognise Rhodes as rancher Jim Parker. Duchovny and Anderson are nearly overshadowed by the supporting cast here, quite possibly due to the lack of attention given to their characters. However this isn’t really a criticism as it’s refreshing to shift focus away from them from time to time in order to tell a new story.

Shapes is a great example of how The X-Files managed to create standalone episodes that could be watched and enjoyed completely out of context from the rest of series with no prior knowledge or background. Thematically it’s derivative but visually it’s fresh and exciting and that more than makes up for the story issues.


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